Do you only train women?
No! I coach both men and women. And youths from 12 up with parental permission.
Do I have to have a meal plan?
Not at all. One thing i believe is that the best diet for you is the one you can STICK TO. That being said, we will work together to find a method of nutrtional intake that works best for your goals AND lifestyle.
What if I don't have access to a gym?
No worries! We’ll start with what you DO have: a body! Having almost 10 years experience I can create at home workouts with or without equipment. A gym is ideal- but not a deal breaker
I just want to be healthy... where do I start?
Start with the basics. Sleep, stress and water. Those three go a long ways! From there, we add in: steps, nutrition guidelines (not going crazy on the junk!) and maybe a workout or 2 a week. Again- my goal is to meet you where you are AT and go from there.
For Posing: Do people really see progress with virtual sessions?
Checkout my Instagram and you tell me…. Haha! But for real, yes. Virtual sessions are VERY beneficial, even for first time athletes. And I always send screenshots and videos of our session after ward so you have plenty of references! I’m here to help you SUCCEED on stage.
Do You train people in their homes?
No. I only train clients out of one facility right now. Both for my safety and theirs.